Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Driving...and Learning Patience!

Some news about the work:
Stacey, an inactive member, told us that she didn't want to be a member of the church anymore.  She wanted to "take a step away and gather her bearings." I was heart broken for her.  I had never realized before the extent of what other people have gone through or are going through in their lives before my mission. I can tell she's been through some trials, and it has hardened her heart.  Luckily, she still wants us to visit once in a while. We will keep praying for her to find some peace.

A few weeks ago, we had dinner with a less active member named Hector and his girlfriend. It was kind of awkward because she didn't seem to like having sister missionaries around. However, they showed up 45 minutes late.  I felt a little frustrated because we were planning on doing splits with some members that night, and by the time they finally showed up it was too late to go out and visit people. Hector and his girlfriend don't understand yet or realize how precious our time is and that we are on the Lord's errand.  But we still decided to share a lesson with Maddy and Rachel.  They were going to go on splits with us but since we couldn't go, we had a great discussion instead.  Tender mercies!

Guess what?!?!?! Joey got baptized!!!  And I got to sing at his baptism! He's so awesome and solid!
And I can tell that he is making some great choices in his life.

Last Monday, we went to Santa Cruz with the Saratoga Zone. I got to walk around on the beach and build sand mountains.  We had so much fun!  It felt so good to stick my feet in the sand and relax for awhile.

I started driving....in California!   AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Well, that's what it felt like at first, but I'm starting to relax and become more comfortable with driving.  I'm slowly turning into my mother though.  I talk to things - for example: I ask the light to stay green so that I can continue to proceed on through without having to stop (just like my Mom), and I talk to other cars as if they're going to reply (again, just like my Mom).  I still feel like my driving could use improvement though, and I'm sure I'm going to get that here.

I've learned that the Spirit really knows how to talk to us.  I was feeling bad and beating myself up a little, thinking that I'm not being a good enough missionary.  I got the impression to write my feelings in my journal. So I did, and I felt so much better.  When I feel the Spirit prompting me and I try to ignore it, it always returns to prompt me some more, and I get a most uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. And it doesn't go away until I act on the prompting. That's how the Spirit works with me.

Sister Pockrus is going home on Wednesday - November 25!
I am sad and I am going to miss her so much!  Another blessing of my mission right there - a forever friend I would never have met if I had not come on my mission!  I'm sure her family is busting at the seams to have her back home.  She served her full 18 months and is ready to go!
We are so proud of you Sister Pockrus - and we love you so much!

I love the work!
- Always, Sister Brown

Monday, November 9, 2015

He Suffered for Us!!!

You're all probably wondering: Where is Sister Brown?
Well, here I am! Sorry for the wait!  But here's what's been happening...
For P-day, our zone went on a fun mini-golf course.  Watching the elders play sports is hilarious! They're so competitive, clumsy, and show-offs!  The next day, we did a lot of service.  I like to call my Tuesdays, Service Tuesdays!  We went to the zoo to help put mulch into what will soon be the bear exhibit.  They gave us a tour at the end.  The animals are spoiled rotten there!  They have rocks that heat up during the rain so they can stay warm.  There were a lot of monkeys there as well.  

An investigator we met was at the institute building, learning everything she could about the church.  Her son, Johnathan had joined the church.  She wants to join too, but she's waiting to save up on money.  They are descendants of Joseph Smith.  How awesome is that?  But - the family thinks Joseph was the anti-Christ.  When she first heard that, she about fainted.  But she finally met with the missionaries and learned more about the church.  Her first reaction was "He's what?... and we're what?... and I'm waaaaaaaa.?" 
But as she has learned more, she has felt the Spirit and has grown to love this church.  She is so cute and sweet!  I know the Lord will bless her!  

I had a recent experience - I felt like I shouldn't be complaining about my headaches, because the Savior had felt all of them...all...of...them... and that is not fun!  He suffered and died for us, and in doing so, felt all of our pains, and sorrows, and hurts in the Garden of Gethsemane.  But I learned that I can still pray and talk to him about it.  He understands me.  And he understands you.  He has felt all of your pains as well.  

One day, Sister Pockrus needed to rest, so Sister Uelese and I did some training.  After training we talked about our faith.  Sister Uelese told me to not be worried about my family, and not to let Satan discourage me.  She said: "Don't ever let Satan discourage you."  
"Shut him up with your Testimony."  
"Shut him down with your strong faith and desire in doing the Lord's work!"
On October 30, I realized I had been a missionary for a whole month! 17...17... can't breathe!  
Going too fast!!! That was way too fast! AHHHHHH!  I'm so excited!!!  
We went to Yogurt Land to celebrate! Only 16 more Fast Sundays left! 
Halloween was fun, I dressed up like a missionary (wink, wink) and ate homemade donuts at Bishop and Sister Judd's house! 

I had my first companion exchange!  I had a sleepover with Sister Reyes.  I think I know now why I'm in the English speaking mission.  Sister Reyes serves for Spanish Speaking.  If you don't eat and enjoy everything the members feed you, they become offended because they love to feed the missionaries.  My stomach is weird.  If I'm hungry too long I get sick.  If I eat too much I get sick.  Thank you Heavenly Father for knowing my stomach better than I do.  Thanks again, and please let me stay in the English Program! 

I got to attend a BYU football fireside.  I'm not into football, but listening to the little kids asking questions of the team players was the best!  Sister Uelese was feeling sick on Saturday.  She had a headache and a stomach ache.  Bless her.  But she's feeling better now.  Sister Pockrus (The Mom Sister Missionary) made sure she got plenty of rest.  And my prayers were answered.  

I love being a Missionary!! 
- Always, Sister Brown!