Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016

"Tis the season to be busy, fa la la la la, la la la la...."

The past few weeks have been crazy busy!  We've been helping with projects, decorating and doing service.  The missionary talent show is coming up this Friday and I asked an Elder to play the piano for me so I can sing.  His companion is also singing.

We were able to go shopping last week and I finally found a California shirt!  We also went to the town of Bethlehem show.  The Latter Day Saints and the Baptist church work together to put on a show.  There's a whole set in the parking lot of a town, and they have booths and things to show what it was like to live back then.  And there were Roman soldiers, and they act out the nativity and sing a few songs.  It was so cool!

After that, during the week, we helped take it all down.  It was kind of sad.  But we visited some members and shared our Christmas video.  It's been so fun.

On Saturday, we got to go to the temple.  There was a nativity scene.  It was so nice and refreshing and relaxing to go to the temple.  How wonderful!  I got to give a talk on Sunday for the Chinese Ward, and a member translated for me.  It was so cool to hear my talk in Mandarin!   I've been carrying my farewell talk around with me in case I'm asked to give a talk  to a new Ward.  The papers are starting to get old and worn, and are falling apart.

Let's see - scripture of the week!

Alma 26:12
"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

Love you all and have a very Merry Christmas!!!

- Always, Sister Brown

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

'Tis the Season!

Wow!  It's almost Christmas!

'Tis the season to do service, run around, and try to be in two places at the same time. But it's also a good time to be a missionary.  You get to help people decorate for Christmas, not worry about making dinners or getting presents, and to always remember what the season is really all about - Our Savior Jesus Christ!

Every Christmas, this Baptist Church creates a set of Bethlehem, and acts out the birth of Jesus Christ. We're going to see it tonight with the Hermanas. I'm excited.  We've been helping out at the Creche for the past two weeks.  It was so much fun...sooo many nativities!  We helped out in the Children's Room. They had crafts and clothes to play dress up. We ran into some other sisters and we took a picture for the nativity.  I got to be a Wise Man (Wise Woman???) and we had three Mary's.  Two little girls wanted to join in on our picture, so they both dressed up as Mary.  For a while, we helped kids play dress up, and we helped to keep things tidy.  It made me miss dressing up...and theatre. Afterwards, there was a marionette show for the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.  It was so cute!  Now I really miss theatre!  And of course, after all our hard work, there is always plenty of food for the missionaries.

This week, a lady we were teaching died of cancer.  We went to visit her a few times. We could tell she was suffering and in a lot of pain.  She could barely speak and wasn't very responsive.  We sang to her a few times and she seemed to enjoy that.  We received a text one morning telling us she had passed away. It was really sad.  I'm so grateful for this gospel.  I know that she was welcomed home by our loving Heavenly Father, and she will receive all the blessings that are promised to her and all of us.  She can now concentrate on learning the gospel without worrying about cancer; and she is no longer in pain.  I know this because we are all God's children, and He wants all of us to return home to Him.

Also this week, we were blessed to hear from Elder Bednar!  It was so cool!  He was really funny and fun to listen to.  He gave us good advice for missionary work and tips for the future.  It was so weird and cool at the same time to see an apostle up close and live!

This has been a busy, eventful week.  But it has also been a good week.  We've been teaching and trying to work with new investigators, and learning more about how we can help others.

Scripture of the week: 

Alma 24:19 And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried the weapons of war, for peace.
Love, love, love the book of Alma!!! 

-Always, Sister Brown 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016!!!

This week was an amazing week for me. I got to go with Sister Hosea and Sister Riggs to my first area. One of our converts has gotten married! They are both so happy!  This is how it happened - Sister Hosea and I wanted to go on a hike with our investigator. But since he was male, it was decided we should probably get a female to come too. We decided to pick a member who is single, around his age, and it just worked out. After the hike, they started dating. He finally got baptized. And...now they're married!!! They got married on Thanksgiving Day! President Mella was there too! The bishop performing the marriage started his speech, and then said: "Mawidge.... Mawidge is what bwings us togethoo tooodaaaay.... I've always wanted to say that." It was hilarious. 
Wow, I did not realize I was coming to California to witness this beautiful wedding, and the fact that Sister Hosea and I introduced them to each other. They are really happy together. They plan to get sealed in the temple about a year from now. Looks like I'm taking a road trip back to California next year.  

After the wedding, Sister Huang and I went to thanksgiving dinner. It was so good. The turkey made me so sleepy as always. This week was a slow week for the work though. (It's like there was a holiday or something, bajing!) So I began to pray for miracles. A few happened. We met a friendly lady one evening while looking for a potential investigator. She invited us in and we helped her wash dishes and feed her birds. We shared a message with her. She said she's not sure about her relationship with God, but the principles that religion teaches make perfect sense to her. We left a Book of Mormon at her house. She said she's not sure if she'll have time to read it. But she has it in her home. 

Then, last night, we got a call about a referral. We were supposed to get it a few weeks ago, and it somehow never went through and we never received it. So someone called us to ask about it. We worked it out though, and then called the couple (husband is a member, wife is not) and they said we could come teach them! A miracle! 
It's odd though that our area book on our iPads never received it... Stupid Satan! Always messing with the work.  Anyways, some of the awesome things that happened this week. It was good! 

Love yous! 

-Always, Sister Brown 

Grateful for My Mission

This week went by so fast! The weeks are getting faster! Ahhh!  Last Monday, we went shopping with the Hermanas. I found this Mexican candy I really like called Pelon. It's so tasty! And at a Korean Market I found shredded squid. It's like a beef jerky kind of treat, but it's squid. I have really weird taste... I also like trying new things.

Tuesday was the Relief Society dinner. It was so good, and it was so much fun. They handed out journals and had us write 100 things we're thankful for. One of the things I'm thankful for is serving my mission. 
It's scary to think that if I hadn't come to California, I would not have grown spiritually, I wouldn't have met the people who are now my friends, and I wouldn't have helped others come to Christ. I will always be grateful to have had this opportunity. I'm also thankful for Thanksgiving because it brings the family together, and we get to eat food! Two of my favorite things: Family and Food!

On Thursday, we had Zone Conference. It was really good as always. The new Christmas video is coming out, and we have new Christmas pass-along cards! I'm so excited for Christmas! Lately, I've been reading a lot in Alma. A lot of people aren't really into the war chapters, but I like action stuff. But where I'm at, Alma has been teaching people around the Nephite cities. And I really loved Alma Chapter 7. It talks about the importance of baptism, repentance, the Atonement, and Christ. Verses 11 and 12 really stood out to me.

11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

I am thankful for the Savior and the sacrifice He has made for all of us. It's good to know that He understands me and He loves me no matter what.

-Always, Sister Brown

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

My New Area...and maybe, My Last!

This week was pretty busy but it went by so fast!  I love my new area.  These statutes are on the lawn of the public library.  They are awesome!  I just had to jump in and become a part of it.  The girl's hand that I'm holding is wearing a CTR ring, engraved on her finger!  How cool is that!

We do a lot of service in this area. One form of service is an English class for missionaries from other countries and a lot of them gather around me for my help.  It's really challenging but awesome to help other people learn how to speak English. Some appointments we've been to for the Chinese Ward, and Sister Huang always tells me they like me. I think it's so sweet, even though all I can do is smile, and say hello, and thank you.

I love Sister Huang! She is so sweet and funny and caring. Her teaching is good too. When we went to teach a member from the Cupertino Ward, it was in Chinese. And even though I couldn't understand what Sister Huang was saying, I could still feel  the love that was being shared through the Spirit.

We had another service with some of the Elders in our zone at a farm. It's really fun. At another service (at a church giving food out to the homeless), we met a young man who was volunteering. He was only 16 and he is in college! He is studying linguistics.  Friday night, we had a potluck for the McMillans. They are moving away, so the Ward put together a dinner.

Saturday was hilariously rough. We had appointments set that got cancelled or changed. We were trying to meet with someone, but we were running late and then went to meet her later. Then her dog was driving us all crazy, and so we tried to get him to go into the other room, and then he attacked me. That was really scary, but it was funny at the same time because his owner got mad at him.  So the dog knew he did something wrong and he knew he was in trouble, so he was trying really hard to be my friend again. But I wasn't so sure about that - kind of lost the trust there.  

Also, while I was driving this week, I got honked at a few times.  Sometimes impatience rears its ugly head.  As I was writing about Saturday in my journal I realized that I was writing it because I want to let my readers know that there are bad days on the mission and in life. Bad days just happen. Then we appreciate the good days more. We are with companions that we may not get along with or understand, but then we learn to love our future companions. God is always teaching us to have patience.

Sunday was a great day! We got to go to the Cupertino Ward, and then the Lawrence Station Ward was having their primary program. They did such a great job!
It was a crazy week! But it was good.

-Always, Sister Brown

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Arguments - A Lesson Learned

September 26, 2016 - 

Not much to report this week - but I learned a valuable lesson.  And I hope by sharing it, I can help others learn this lesson as well.

When you’re in the middle of an argument and you can’t speak your mind, I believe that’s the spirit telling you that this argument is not good and neither of you will be enriched by it.  It will bring down both participants and drive the spirit away.  Sometimes during an argument you will be given “a stupor of thought” and that confirms that the Lord does not want either participant to behave in this manner.  So the fact that when you feel like you don’t know what to say during an argument, or that you have nothing TO say, is actually a protection to not say something you'll regret.  So now when I’m in the middle of an argument (which isn't very often really), and that same thing happens, I just smile at my opponent and say, “I really have nothing to say at this moment that is going to make us both feel better, so I just want to say - let it go and let's move past this.”

“Before you speak.  THINK!”
T  is it True?
H  is it Helpful?
I   is it Inspiring?
N  is it Necessary?
K  is it Kind?

- Always, Sister Brown

Sunday, October 2, 2016

September 30 - One Whole Year!

I can't believe it's been a year since I entered the MTC. That was so fast - and yet sometimes it doesn't seem fast at all.  But now I'm on the downside - only six months left!!!  I love my mission and I hope I can really make these last six months count. I have met so many amazing people, and I feel like I've grown so much and learned so much more. Woohoo - bring it on!

A Positive Perspective

So I'm a little bit behind in reporting my mission events... I'll try and catch up.

September 12 - A crazy and busy week!!! We went on a Zone Hike on the Los Gatos trail last Monday. It was nice. I LOVE this Zone! Elder Summerhays chased two deer. He has so much energy! 
On Tuesday, we picked up our new Sister, and now we're in a trio! She had been serving at Temple Square for 13 months. She's from Gunma, Japan, nearby Tokyo. She is so sweet and fun! Sister Hughes and I loved her at first sight! She has a lot of experience, she's confident when she teaches, and she speaks great English. 
On Wednesday, we got a lot of work done and taught a lot of lessons. We have someone who is getting close to baptism. His date is still set for the 18th, but it's still a little up in the air. Some people jump into baptism without testing the water, and others take "longer to cook", as my mother would say. He just may need some time to stop and think about his relationship with God. After all, that is what's most important. 
Friday was crazy! (Did I mention my whole week was crazy?) But we accomplished a lot. We did service at Montalvo, which is an amazing place for student artists! We help cook and clean. It's fun! We had a BLITZ with the District. The Elders in our district came into our area to contact and make visits for us while we were making visits. It seemed very successful and they found some potentials for us. We were able to get things done too. 
On Saturday, we got to go on a Temple Trip! We had fun with some friends of ours. While we were there, we had the opportunity to teach them more about temples, family history, baptisms for the dead, and eternal marriage. This was a really happy week. I'm thankful that I strive to always have a positive perspective. 
I can recall how the temple has blessed me in my life, and I was able to share that. 
I remember when I was six, and I was walking home from school with my brother and my friend. We were met by my sister on the way, and she told us that our cousin, Aaron had passed away. He was only 14 and was not a member of the church. To my dismay, my sister took us home....the plan was to play at a friend's house. But Andrew, my brother, definitely wasn't up to playing when he found out. I was too little to really know my family in Canada, but Andrew was old enough to remember Aaron and how much he loved him. This devastated him. But years later, when Andrew and I were old enough, our family went to the temple. My other brother, Bryant had the opportunity to perform the baptisms. I remember his face as he looked up at the screen and realized who he was baptizing proxy for. 
As I type this story, I can feel the Spirit. In fact, it was a little overwhelming (in a good way), but I felt so warm and so at peace. How can anyone deny The Spirit? 
I know this gospel is true. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live. I love this gospel. I love going to the temple and the work that is performed there, I love my family, and I love my best friend, Jesus Christ. 
Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 
Isaiah 12:2
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. 

September 19
Not much to report this week. We did the usual chores on Monday. We went to the Mitsuwa Japanese market. It was so fun! I bought dried squid. I haven't eaten it since I was fifteen and I remember liking it. It's really tasty! 
This week was a little rough though. We've been contacting all week and meeting new people and getting numbers. But we also faced a lot of rejection and met a few atheists. Some just said they didn't believe in God, others would try to argue with us. One man told us he didn't believe that Jesus Christ doesn't exist only because "they didn't have last names back then." 
Another lady told us she was Christian. As we introduced her to the Book of Mormon, she told us to put it away and read the bible. 
At first I was feeling discouraged about this week. But last night, I remembered that discouragement is one of Satan's most powerful tools. I'm glad I remembered it and recognized who was making me feel this way. So I started counting my blessings. I have two awesome companions who want to help me, more people know who we are, even if they didn't listen to us, and our potentials list is growing because someone did listen to us. We didn't have many lessons this week, but we worked a lot and did our best. 
Another positive note: we got to sing in sacrament yesterday. We sang "Savior Redeemer of My Soul."  Our new companion played the piano and it was beautiful! And then we got to sing at the Why I Believe Fireside.  It was very beautiful and spiritual. 
Again, not much to report on this week. It's a new week, so it will be better.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

You Are Special!

This was a crazy week, and another crazy week is coming! Last Monday, we got our hair trimmed- my hair feels great! We then had a lesson at Bishop Thawley's house with Chris and Kim. He wasn't sure about baptism yet, so we set another appointment for Friday, and prayed extra hard for him.

On Tuesday, I realized I have been on my mission for 11 months! Ahhh!  It's so exciting! At the institute building, they've started doing lunches on Tuesdays since school is back in. We saw two special people later that day. First we saw Tammira, who is a sweet old lady who's excited to go to the temple. And then we saw Marilyn, who has two bears - I mean wolves - I mean really big dogs that are part wolves. We were able to read 1 Nephi 4. It's one of my favorite chapters because it makes me think of when I was little and watching the cartoon when Nephi's brothers went to run away, and then Nephi calling out to them, and then Zoram trying to run away, and then Nephi football-tackling him.... he basically is saying -  
"WAIT!!! EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!!!"  ....it's a funny chapter.  

That evening, we met some part member families who basically told us to come back another time and teach their spouses. It was pretty awesome. Wednesday was hard. We didn't have any set appointments, so we did a lot of finding. We have been finding a lot of people who are interested in our message. All of which were YSA age. It's been an awesome week for finding! Thursday was pretty slow too. We did our weekly planning and worked on contacting and service. At the end of the day, we got to go to institute dinner, which is always nice. 

On Friday, we had service and contacting again, and then went to the Thawley's to teach Chris again. Kim shared 2 Nephi 31. And then Bishop Thawley talked about some of the commandments and then the Word of Wisdom. He asked Chris if he would follow the Word of Wisdom and Chris said yes without hesitation or objections! We asked again if he would be baptized and he and Kim looked at their work schedule so he could come to church. He said yes to baptism!!! He's getting baptized on September 18!!! We are so happy and excited for him. 

And to add to our excitement, some Temple Square sisters are coming into our mission, and one will be staying with us for the rest of this transfer. (We're not 100% sure what's going to happen after that.) We are so excited to meet our new Sister! We're going to be in a trio! So much excitement! Sometimes, I wonder how I'm going to make it through the busy weeks, but I keep reminding myself, all I have to do right now is...! -  And that helps me focus on the thing I'm supposed to be focused on.

We had an amazing lesson on Sunday about not putting ourselves down. When we have negative thoughts, we put ourselves in a negative mood. We become stressed. Nothing goes our way, or so it seems. We just have to trust in the Lord, and remember that He loves us and doesn't want us to put ourselves down. Sara finished her lesson by reading You Are Special - one of my favorite childhood stories. A lot of us cried as she read the story. The message behind it is so sweet! God will always love us no matter what, because we are His. 

My favorite scripture this week:
2 Nephi 31:20 - Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

-Always, Sister Brown

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

"Delighteth" - Such an Awesome Word!

This week was great! We taught Chris on Tuesday at our Bishop's house. Kim (Chris' girlfriend) who is a member, was there too. It was so awesome! Bishop Thawley and Kim helped us teach him. Bishop Thawley even shared some of his experiences of when he joined the church. We could tell Chris had felt something when we taught him about the Prophet Joseph, and when he saw God and Jesus Christ. It was the best lesson ever!

On Wednesday, we had Zone Conference. I took a lot of notes and felt so spiritually uplifted. I learned that I focus a lot better when I take notes. My life is full of writing!  I love writing!! One night, we went to the institute for the YSA BBQ. Classes are starting again this week! I love being in a YSA Ward and I saw some old friends too. Cameron and Keyza were at the BBQ, and so was Jordan. It was so good to see them.  I also met a girl named Sherry from China. I told her that I was interested in Asian countries, and she told me that she was interested in the Western countries, like America! Funny how that works, haha.

Saturday was amazing! We had the opportunity to hear from Bishop Causse and his wife. They are from France and they are awesome. Their talks were so amazing. Bishop Causse gave us some tips for planning and finding. Later that day, we went out to do some service, but turns out they didn't need us, so instead, we went contacting around the area. Turns out...again...there were a lot of people around. A lot of YSA people were interested in our message. We taught seven people that day, and tried talking to many more. However, one man bluntly told us he was an atheist. I was so sad to hear that - that someone didn't believe in our Heavenly Father and in our Savior, Jesus Christ. But then we visited a member who gave us two referrals. The next day after church and after "Linger Longer", we went to their houses to try and visit with them. The old man rejected us, and the old lady said she was fine with her own religion. She was however, impressed by how young we are. Then we ran into this guy who is feeling very lost and trying to find his purpose in life. We referred him to the Elders, and it was amazing!  This week seems like it was so long, and yet it went by so fast! That doesn't make sense - what is time??  Haha!
Scripture of the Week:
2 Nephi 4:15 - "And upon these plates I write the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass.  For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children."

I love you all and I hope and pray you are all doing well.

-Always, Sister Brown!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Sacrament

This week was kind of slow as far as the work goes. But, it was much better than last week as far as mail goes! I got a lot of support from my family and my friends. I LOVE yous!!!

Every morning this week, I have woken up to overcast skies, and I can smell the ocean.  It makes me homesick for Nova Scotia. Haha! Of all places to be homesick for, that's one of the best. But that small island up north will always have a special place in my heart. I feel like the overcast skies are a tender mercy from the Lord. I am reminded that my Grandparents are proud of me and that they love me.

A lot of YSA are working hard to help us with missionary work. Parker is handing out Spanish Books of Mormon to people he knows for the Spanish Ward, groups of friends are working together to find people for us to teach, and the Bishop has a goal to get 100 people to Sacrament on September 11. We went on exchanges with the Tongan Sisters again. I was with Sister Unga. She's the best Tongan ever! I LOVE her! She is so funny!

I learned that faith really does require action. On Friday, as I woke, I felt my allergies kicking in. But I got up and got ready anyways. I had faith that if I worked and as the day went on, I would feel better- and I did! Faith without works is dead.  Like I said, it was a slow week for teaching, but we did a lot of finding and walking, and finding and walking. Did I mention finding?

And then there was Sunday - I don't even want to mention Sunday and how busy it was, and the fact that our lesson had to cancel. But hey, we got through this week! It makes me feel strong and powerful. The nice thing about Sunday was the lesson we had in relief society.  It was about the Sacrament and what it's meaning is really all about. We put on blindfolds and held out our hands. We got to feel a leaf, a whip (ropes), a nail, and hands. We listened to a whip and someone hammering the nails. Then a song played about Christ's resurrection. We felt hands grasp ours. The feeling of the nail and the hands lingered. I felt the Spirit so strongly. It felt as though Christ was in the room. It was so wonderful! The Sacrament means so much more now. Christ sacrificed His life for us, so that we could repent, find happiness in this life, and not suffer as He did. I am so thankful for my Best Friend. 

- Always, Sister Brown

Monday, August 15, 2016

Charity - The Pure Love of Christ

This was an interesting week. Sister Hughes and I are pretty exhausted from all the work this week. We've been doing a lot of walking, trying to find people to teach. 

On Thursday, we went to institute for dinner and the lesson after was about Charity. It really spoke to Sister Hughes and I. We know that charity is the pure love of Christ. And it can help others come unto Him. 
On Friday, we went to a YSA Conference with a member named Kim and her boyfriend Chris.  He's a non-member, and he seemed to enjoy his time with us and at the conference.  On Sunday, we taught him about praying to our Heavenly Father.  He said he was interested in learning more about the gospel! 

Another YSA we keep running into seems interested in our message as well.  He's very spiritual and kind.  Actually, we've been finding a lot of YSA people to teach. 

This week went by a little slow but it was fast at the same time. I don't know how to explain it. 
Not much happened this week either except we're finding new people to teach and the other usual missionary work. So sorry this is a short update.

But I'd like to end with my testimony.  Miracles do happen, even in the midst of trials.  As long as we put our trust in Heavenly Father and ask for His help in faith, we can conquer and achieve anything. 

-Always, Sister Brown 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Golden Street

This week was awesome! And it went by so fast!
Last Monday, we went to Rocket Fizz with Sister Hosea and Sister Unga.
It was so fun! I got more Pez candy, jelly beans, and root beer. We decided to relax for the rest of that day until it was time to go on exchanges. I went with Sister Hosea to John Tanner's baptism! It was amazing! I was so happy for him. And he and Sabrina seem happy too!

This week was the usual missionary stuff. We've been contacting on a street that is golden! On this street, we walk and meet someone to talk to, and then we turn and there's another person to talk to! And the best part: they have actually been interested in our message!

We have also been doing a lot with the members. On Tuesday, we made cookies with Bryant and he had someone in mind he could give them to.  On Wednesday, we went to another member's house and she gave us a referral! She's working with her and basically invited her friend to take the lessons. Amanda's friend is interested in the church and believes in the Priesthood Authority. She had been asking Amanda questions just out of curiosity. Amanda basically told her that she invited us missionaries over for dinner and having us teach her. She told her friend the missionaries can teach her. It was awesome!

We have another investigator named Cecilia, who is 91 years old - but doesn't act like it! She is interested in our church, and has no objections, and asked questions because she's genuinely curious! She is awesome! She's still a little set in her ways and isn't sure she wants to get baptized. She says she's stubborn, and yet she doesn't object to Joseph Smith or the church. She's definitely not as stubborn as she thinks she is.

Sister Hughes had a birthday this week! She is now 20! She kept saying: "I'm 20 now... That's so weird..."  We went to Greenfinger and sang happy birthday. We had lunch with the Tongan Sisters. They made her a cake. Then they came over later that night and brought her cupcakes. At our dinner appointment, they gave us gluten free cake... So much cake was eaten that day.

We had a great week! It was awesome! And I love Sister Hughes! She's the best!

- Always, Sister Brown

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Something Good in Every Day - Might Even be Guacamole!

"Every day might not be good, 
                             but there is something good in every day."

Hi y'all.  Another crazy week.
I think I'm slowly losing my mind, haha! All I think about is missionary work, baptisms, food, sleep and even super heroes. Time is flying by. Last Monday, we decided it was time to just relax - and so we did just that. It's a refreshing thing to do.
This week we have come up with a finding idea to teach the Restoration to members, and then invite them to have someone they know learn this lesson from us. It's still a new finding idea for us, and we are planning to follow up with members in the coming weeks. This finding idea has also resulted in a lot of families wanting to feed us - which is a good thing for us.  Oh happy day!

One of our investigators texted us and asked if we could meet. We have faith that he will get baptized, but he just hasn't been coming to church. And you kind of have to come to church. So that's been hard. On Tuesday, my companion had to go to the dentist. She was having a problem with her tooth but was able to get it fixed. She knows when she needs a priesthood blessing to help her with direction and with her trials. I've learned that having the priesthood available can help you in your life. I actually learned that when I was in the Young Women program. I've never been afraid to ask for a priesthood blessing, and have always found great comfort knowing I have that special blessing in my life. I'm grateful for my Dad, and that he has priesthood power and can bless his family with healing, protection and support when needed.

Last week, we also had mission interviews with President and Sister Mella. Those two people are so awesome and I'm grateful to be blessed to serve with them.

A major accomplishment for me - I've discovered that I like guacamole and it agrees with me. No sick stomach feeling!!  It's so strange how tastes can change as one ages.

For the rest of the week, we had a lot of members cancel appointments, so that makes things a little stressful because now it's like: "What are we supposed to do now?" That's why it's always good to have backup plans. I've learned that things don't always turn out the way you want them to. We talked with the Elders who we co-cover with about the less-active list. We reviewed what we were able to get done, but we realized that we were also very tired and unfocused.

On Thursday, more of our appointments canceled, and we were trying to figure out our schedule for the next day. We went to see our investigator again - but he forgot about the appointment. On Friday we went to a baptism in Sister Hughes' previous area. It was a very spiritual night and just what we needed.  Then on Sunday, we attended church - but no investigator. We were praying so hard for him to come and attend Sacrament meeting. A member from the ward had even offered to go and pick him up to bring him to church, but he wasn't home. Looks like he decided not to come, but we'll continue to pray for him.

So it's been a stressful week, but we're hoping the member lessons will pay off.  I'll sign off for now and bid you adieu...leaving you with these thoughtful words again...

"Every day might not be good, 
                             but there is something good in every day."


- Always, Sister Brown

Monday, July 18, 2016


This week was another crazy week! Last Monday, we went shopping with Sister Hosea and Sister Unga. Of course, we had to get Slurpees because hello....7-11 -- Free Slurpee day! We went to the church to play with the Zone. While Sister Hosea and Sister Hughes played basketball, I played Dungeons and Dragons with the Elders. It was hilarious! Elders are so goofy!

This week, we've been doing a lot of contacting. We are working on building our teaching pool. It's been a little rough, but we're working on it. We have faith that we will find people. It is the Lord's work after all.

On Tuesday, we had district meeting, and then we had two appointments in the park but neither of them showed. But later that night, our Ward mission leader invited some members from the YSA Ward to come to the Higham's house and make calls to less active members. They all worked together to try and contact these members. We now have a list of people they were unable to contact. It was awesome!

On Wednesday, we had exchanges with the Tongan Sisters. I was with Sister Unga for the day. I love her! All four of us went to service together and did language study. I got a Book of Mormon in Tongan! We met with some people they've been teaching and I could speak a little bit of Tongan. I can say: Hello (Maloleilei), How are you? (Feifeihaki), good (Sai pe), thank you (Malo), and I'm hungry (fia kaia). Tongan is fun! My favorite word is Ulupala... Knucklehead... Haha!

On Thursday, we tried to visit some of the less actives, but some don't have complete addresses, so that was a little hard. But then we went to Montalvo to do some service. We gathered sticks and helped make a pathway. It was so fun! It makes me miss Westminster when I helped my Dad with the set design for theatre. And since we were outside, a lizard tried to climb into my shoe. I totally yelped and I think I scared it.  Poor thing (Faka Ofa...) there are so many lizards in California! And squirrels!

Friday and Saturday, we did weekly planning. We plan on meeting with some members to teach them about the Restoration. We invite members to share the gospel with someone. It's a good finding idea, but for some reason people want to meet either on Monday night and Tuesday night. Everyone is busy.

On Sunday, we had a crazy day! We went to church and then had a mission stake meeting. All the Ward mission leaders are awesome!!! And then we had dinner with the Tongan Sisters at one of their member's houses. We had Tongan food. It was so tasty I couldn't stop myself! I ate 14 muscles (I think that's how it's spelled), 14! I kept saying: maybe just one more, maybe just one more. But I got so sick after that. But there was no gluten in the food, I just ate too much food- the family was so shocked that I ate 14. Haha! I like sea food...  The father told me I can come back anytime I was hungry and that they would make me New Zealand Muscles. I love that family! One of the ladies in the house asked how many I ate.  I told her and she looked so shocked...her face was priceless! It was so worth the stomach ache!

And that was my week! Love yous! (Ofa'atu!) 

-Always, Sister Brown (Sister Melo Melo)

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I'm soooo happy!

This week was cray-cray! 

Last Monday, we went shopping with Sister Hosea and Sister Unga. We then went to a BBQ in their Ward (that's one BBQ) and I was surprised how much Tongan I know. I was impressing all the Tongan Sisters. After that, we went to the Call's house with the YSA to eat some more. (That's two BBQs.) For dinner, we went to eat with Juri and Steven. So that's THREE BBQs in one day! Haha! Fourth of July! After that we watched the firework show at Steven's house. The traffic was stressful and chaotic! But Heavenly Father helped us get home on time. However, the fireworks were so worth it! 

On Tuesday, we went contacting for what felt like all day, but we've been finding people! We are slowly but surely building our teaching pool. Things are definitely looking up! We saw Danielle and Cameron, who are the funniest people. Danielle is a recent convert. Cameron helped her get baptized. He went on his mission to Japan. We have been meeting with an investigator named Patrick. He's pretty awesome! He has a great relationship with God, and he's read a little in the Book of Mormon we gave him. So far, it's been hard to get him to come to church. He's not sure if he wants to be baptized, and it seems he doesn't want to give up his other church yet. That's really hard for new converts.

On Wednesday, we had two less-active appointments. We had gotten to the house earlier so we walked around the neighborhood and ran into someone who seemed to be going through a hard time. The less active didn't seem to be home. So we tried the other and apparently she had moved and didn't tell us her new address. 

On Friday, we went to service and then went to Sister Hosea and Sister Unga's apartment to drop something off, and then they fed us. Haha! We spent the rest of the day weekly planning. But Sister Hughes and I got to know each other better. We had dinner with George and his friend who is less active. It was a fun dinner and Saiah was there. They are so fun! And George is a trouble maker. On Sunday we taught his friend Justin. He wants to believe in the gospel, but is having a hard time letting go of the things he was taught as a child. He's not sure if he can believe it. So we're hoping to meet with him and George again and see if we can help him. 

On Saturday, we found another person! His name is Darin and we ran into him on this corner. I feel like Heavenly Father literally put him in our path. (He has a tendency to do that.) We tried to meet with Patrick that night, but he was busy. We met with a member from Peru. Her name is Martha and she's so cute! 

Yesterday, I gave a talk. The topic was Growth of the Ward through mission and reactivation efforts. But I took my farewell talk and tailored it to fit the topic. This week has been so exhausting but I've been so happy! 
But I've also been so tired...but so happy!  Did I mention that I was soooo happy!
It's weird. That's missionary life for you. 

-Always, Sister Brown

Friday, July 8, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! ...and...
I'm halfway through my mission -
Can you believe that?

This week was super busy, and kind of crazy! I have my new companion, Sister Hughes. She and I have a lot of similar interests. She is awesome! We've had a little adjusting to do, but the first week with a new companion is always the craziest weeks of transfers. I've been a little scatter-brained this week. I didn't get to know the area as well as I could have this past month, but now I'm feeling more comfortable with it and confident. I'm driving again! I really missed that.

My STL's are Sister Unga and Sister Hosea! I love both of them!  Sister Unga is from Tonga, and Sister Pokrus finished her training...so...technically that makes us sisters, haha!  Things are looking up. I'm feeling much happier and I'm already seeing blessings from this transfer.

We met a man named Patrick (that is a great name because I have an awesome neighbor back home with that name). Anyway, Patrick seems interested in learning more about the church. He's cautious, but interested. And then we had dinner with a less active member and we invited him to church, and he came! And he even said a prayer with us before he left! His active friend George had to convince him to come, but hey, he still came and that's all that matters!

Today we are celebrating the 4th of July with the STL's. After we're going to Juri's to watch fireworks. I think we're going to have BBQ for lunch AND dinner. Exchanges are coming up. I'm excited and nervous to be in the Polynesian Program for the day....Polynesians sure do love to feed people (ask my brother - he knows!)

Wow, my mind is everywhere this week.  I got a package from my family and it was filled with pictures of camels, representing hump day of course. And candy...and treats!  I LOVE getting boxes from home! I can't believe I'm halfway through my mission!  Ahhh!

- Always, Sister Brown

Thursday, June 30, 2016

When There's No One to Teach - do Service!

Nothing much has happened this week. We got a lot of service done, helping people at places. 
There really is nothing much to report on.  
Decided to send my Mama a picture of my new hair - you know, just to keep her on her toes.  I don't think she was too impressed.  Yes, it's a wig.  I'm not too sure I'm ready to lose my long hair anyway.

Sister Smith is getting transferred and I'm getting a new companion. Her name is Sister Hughes and she actually flew out with me to California from the MTC. I'm excited to meet with her. I'm really loving the Zone I'm in. The Elders are very sweet and I love the Tongan Sisters! They are so fun! And funny! Sister Hosea is coming back to the Tongan program and she's going to be with Sister Unga as our Sister Training Leaders! I'm sooooooooo excited! I love Sister Unga and Sister Hosea! President Mella told me I was going to be very happy next transfer. I'm really anxious and nervous and excited. Sorry for the short report. 

But I love all of you and want to thank you for all your support! 

- Always, Sister Brown

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Happy Birthday To Me

This week was a little better. I'm grateful for the support I receive from friends and family. Two good friends of mine sent a package with food, inspirational quotes and letters, and toys. Thanks you guys!!! And a huge thank you to my family for all the birthday wishes (and presents)!  I had a great birthday but I'm especially glad that I only have to be away from home for only one birthday!

Sister Mella came to drop off the invitations for Yuna's baptism. It's too bad that Yuna couldn't be baptized last week. I got to talk to Sister Mella about how I've been feeling lately. She was so kind and understanding. She told me I was now at the hardest part of my mission. From my understanding, it seems that all missionaries hit a hard block on their mission. And they feel discouraged and disappointed in themselves. But I've also heard that once that's past, the mission becomes the best time of their lives. So, maybe I just need to have more faith and it will all work out in the end. 

We met with Jimmy a few times this week. He told us that he has nothing better to do, so that's why he meets with us. We told him that we help people grow closer to Christ, and prepare for baptism. But he has no interest in being baptized and has no desire to change. I feel really sad for him. 

We got to visit the family history center this week. I printed out a new copy of my family fan chart. More of my Mama's side is showing up! My Daddy's side goes on forever! I love family history. I was also looking at cool pictures. I saw one of my Dad and his family when he was little! 

On Thursday, we did a lot of service. I basically swept floors all day. But it's okay, I actually kind of like sweeping... :) We had a lesson with a recent convert named Danielle. We talked about when Nephi saw Lehi's dream. She was a little confused, but it is a little confusing. I know the more we read and study and have a desire to learn about the gospel, the more we will understand. We went contacting, and met a man who had a bird. He (the bird) sat on my head and my shoulder. That night, we had dinner at institute and played foosball with the Zone Leaders. Elder Leishman and I were on a team. We both have gluten intolerance, so we were the "gluten-intolerant team". Elder Nuttle and Sister Smith made a lot of funny gluten jokes. Elder Nuttle said he was going to celebrate victory with a donut. I'm not the best at being a goalie, so whenever I missed I said he had a donut last night and it didn't settle with him. So our poor goalie was having an allergic reaction during the game. Haha! (It's not funny when that allergic reaction actually happens.)

On Friday, we went to Greenfinger to do some service. Another volunteer asked about our church. I told her a little bit about it. Part of me thinks I should've just taught her the restoration, but another part of me is glad that I had planted that seed. Sister Hosea and Sister Riggs brought us lunch and helped us with our weekly planning. They are the best! I love my STLs! President Mella came to inspect the apartment while we were having our little planning party. He gave us some finding ideas as well. 

On Saturday, we did service at the college by the institute where we serve. We helped with some decorations and Sister Smith got to dress up as the mascot. They were doing this thing called Geocaching. I'm not entirely sure how it's done, but it sounds fun! 

Well, it was a good week and a rough week at the same time. But I want to thank everyone for their prayers, love and support and all their help and advice. You, my family and friends, keep me motivated. 
I love all of you! 

- Always, Sister Brown 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Rough Week - Blah!

Rough Week - Sometimes you have to find ways to relieve the stress! And what better way than with this crazy group of kids.

We had dinner at Google. It was really cool. They have good food there. It was a hard week. Sister Smith and I kept getting punched in the face by the sun. She got sun-burned while we were trying to contact. Sister Mella has been helping us with baptism invites for Yuna's baptism. She has been so helpful and we got the chance to help her. We were looking at pictures on Facebook and saving them for her. I noticed my Mama is on there often. Good to know she's part of the San Jose California Mission Moms!

Wednesday night, we went to see Yuna. We taught her about fasting. When we invited her to fast she said no. It was unusual, she didn't seem like herself. She then explained that her parents were upset with her grades. They are also upset that she had been meeting with the missionaries. They told her they didn't want her to get baptized, or go to church, or see the missionaries. We had to cancel the baptism, which was supposed to be this Saturday. So, as much as we understand what Yuna is going through and that her parents want what's best for her, Sister Smith and I were really sad for her. Both of us cried. And then we had to tell Sister Mella to cancel the baptism invitation cards. It was really sad.

We had exchanges the next day. Guess who I was with?!?! Sister Hosea!!! I love her! Their area is crazy busy! I got to visit one of the recent converts I taught named Joe. He seems to be doing good. Still loving the gospel. Sister Hosea and I talked about a lot of things. She often would ask me what I think I learned throughout the day. She is so wise, and gives really good advice.

We went to the Temple on Saturday. We got to go to the Visitors center. We watched "Joseph: The Prophet of the Restoration." I got teary-eyed a few times. As I watched Joseph try to escape out the window of the jail only to be shot for the umpteenth time, I remembered my name tag. Joseph Smith died for all of this work. He is one of the reasons I wear the name tag and teach about the beautiful Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And I remember that I represent Jesus Christ. And it's because of Joseph Smith that I have the opportunity to represent Jesus Christ.

So, I had a dream after going to the Temple. It was a moment when Joseph was being tarred and feathered, yet again! They dragged him to a room in his house. He was yelling Emma's name, and then he was yelling (more like pleading) "Leave me alone!" But he was just laying there and letting them tar him as if he was used to it, hoping they would leave his family alone. It was awful. And I was really sad when I woke up... I feel bad for him and for Emma. They went through so much together.

I learned that the Book of Mormon gives me the most confidence when I teach. I can't even teach without holding it in my hands. And on days and weeks that bring disappointment, I need to remember this:

And then I get to share a scripture that seems to work so wonderfully with our message!

Moroni 10:3-5:
3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

I invite all of you who read my blog and keep up with my weekly shenanigans, to read the Book of Mormon, and pray to know if it's true. Because if this book is true, then Joseph Smith really was a prophet, and that he did see God, and that God really does live and He still cares about us. And I promise the Holy Ghost will answer you.  Well, it's been a rough week. I'm hoping and praying for a better one next week.

Love you all!

- Always, Sister Brown

Friday, June 3, 2016

I Love Zone Conference

This week was pretty busy. We went to Rocket Fizz on Monday. It was awesome! It has a large candy and soda selection, with some joke stuff too. The soda flavors are crazy! They have chocolate, peanut butter, and all kinds of different flavors, even gross flavors. It's like Harry Potter's Many Flavor Beans (which they have), but soda!!!  And they had- wait for it....... Jelly Beans!
I'm definitely going back there to visit after my mission.

It's good to be back in a YSA Ward where we have Family Home Evening together. We played board games and had a big laugh. It was fun.

Well, enough about that- let's get spiritual. 

A few of the missionaries from our Zone.

Tuesday was Zone Conference. We talked about many different things. One thing that stood out to me was when we talked about trials. We still have trials because we're still human, even if we are the Lord's servants. I received a call later that night that my great Uncle Steve had passed away. I was surprised at first, and then I was sad. The next day, I was able to cope with working and teaching, but I still felt sad because I knew the family was sad, and I was trying to focus on the Plan of Happiness. But on Wednesday night, I cried again and I prayed for comfort. Then I received an impression to ask for a priesthood blessing. I thought: "Maybe sometime." But then the next day we had District Meeting. I sat in the room realizing there were four Elder Missionaries in the room. I again received the impression that I should ask for a priesthood blessing, and so I did. I became emotional when I asked for a blessing (I hate crying in front of people, yet I'm so good at it.) and the Elders kindly said "yes, of course." Elder Freeman gave me a priesthood blessing and I felt better. Yes, I'm still sad, but a heavy burden was lifted, and I knew everything was going to be okay. I felt so safe and so at peace. Elder Freeman told me that he had lost two of his grandmothers on his mission. He said he understood what I was feeling. I am so thankful we have the priesthood, and that I can receive these blessings from it. We talked about it and that it was okay to be sad. It's normal. When Lazarus died, Jesus wept. And I remembered the Plan of Salvation. I know that Uncle Steve is with Aunt Bev. I know they are celebrating being together again. 

The Natural Man -
Sister Mella talked about Jesus Christ and how He was always putting off "the natural man." He showed interest in everyone He met. At the well, He was tired and thirsty, but when the Samaritan woman came He took interest in her and taught her. He was always looking for teaching opportunities. And when He was on His way to help Jairus's daughter, He stopped when the woman who was sick for twelve years had touched his clothes. He still showed interest in her. And when He told everyone that Jairus's daughter wasn't dead, but asleep, the people laughed at him. The natural man would've said: "Oh yeah?! You just wait. Watch what I can do!" Instead, He went in and healed her, and then told the family not to tell anyone, and snuck out the back. That's how humble he was. One day, when He was tired and resting, people wanted Him to bless their children. His apostles tried to stop them, but we all know how much Jesus loves children, so He put off the natural man and served others.

Jesus Christ can Cleanse our Sins -
At Institute, the teacher was teaching about repentance. He talked about how our sins are seen by no one, except the Savior. But it is the Savior who can cleanse our sins if we let Him. He suddenly said it was hot in the room and took his jacket off. His white dress shirt was covered in black ink spots. They were all over his back, and from his front pocket it looked like his pen had leaked and caused the spots. At first that's what I thought it was. But then he realized we were all snickering at his shirt. (It looked like a cow.) and then he said. "Imagine if everyone could see your sins. Imagine if your sins were as obvious as the ink stains on my shirt. We'd be pretty embarrassed. I'd be embarrassed if my pen really had leaked and ruined my shirt. But the Savior can take away these stains. He can wash our sins away. He's the soap that can cleanse our sins.

I had sooooooo much to write about today, but I hope you enjoy my spiritualness. I love you all!

-Sister Brown 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Transfers - Always Something You Can Count On

Sister Vaisa is all finished with training! She's going to be great! But guess what? I'm transferring again! I don't have much to report on before leaving my old area, but yesterday was awesome! We got to teach gospel principles. There was a girl named Kimberly, and she feels like Heavenly Father is trying to teach her something. She feels really good about this church. I have high hopes for her. Then we got to go to Young Women class. We shared how the scriptures have helped us. I shared my favorite scriptures: 

My "birthday scripture": D&C 6:10 - "Behold thou has a gift, and blessed art thou because of thy gift. Remember it is sacred and cometh from above --"  I love my birthday scripture!

1 Nephi 2:18-19- when Nephi became my favorite!  "But, behold, Laman and Lemuel would not hearken unto my words; and being grieved because of the hardness of their hearts I cried unto the Lord for them.  And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart."

And one that my Daddy gave me Moroni 10:3-5. Thanks Daddy!
"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.  And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

So as for my transfer - Welcome to missionary life! You never know when you're going, or where you're gonna go next. I am now in the Saratoga Zone. I'm with another YSA Ward and a family Ward. Monday, we were able to get our chores done, and Sister Palmer, my former STL, went home. She completed her mission. In our mission, when someone starts their mission, they are "born" in their first area and when they're finished they "die" in their last area. So we "killed" Sister Palmer on Monday. Her companion, Sister Harvey cut her scarf. Elders usually cut their ties. It's an interesting tradition.

Tuesday was just as crazy. I got my new companion - Sister Smith and she is awesome. Her former companion, Sister Pattison has also completed her mission. Sister Smith had a hard time saying goodbye to her. I don't blame her. I've been there with companions. However, Sister Pattison forgot to give us the phone, so we had to drive to the mission home to get it, haha.

This week was amazing. We have an investigator named Yuna, who is getting baptized. She is from Japan and she is darling! Some of the YSA have been helping us teach her. We went to the visitor's center at the temple on Saturday and she got to come with us. We listened to the Jesus Christ Narration in Japanese. It sounded beautiful, and Yuna felt the Spirit. We watched a video about God's plan for the Family, and even though it was in Japanese, we all felt the Spirit and it was so strong that day. It really was. Yuna is golden! She's the best! Now I want to learn Japanese!

It was a good uplifting week.

- Always, Sister Brown!