Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016

"Tis the season to be busy, fa la la la la, la la la la...."

The past few weeks have been crazy busy!  We've been helping with projects, decorating and doing service.  The missionary talent show is coming up this Friday and I asked an Elder to play the piano for me so I can sing.  His companion is also singing.

We were able to go shopping last week and I finally found a California shirt!  We also went to the town of Bethlehem show.  The Latter Day Saints and the Baptist church work together to put on a show.  There's a whole set in the parking lot of a town, and they have booths and things to show what it was like to live back then.  And there were Roman soldiers, and they act out the nativity and sing a few songs.  It was so cool!

After that, during the week, we helped take it all down.  It was kind of sad.  But we visited some members and shared our Christmas video.  It's been so fun.

On Saturday, we got to go to the temple.  There was a nativity scene.  It was so nice and refreshing and relaxing to go to the temple.  How wonderful!  I got to give a talk on Sunday for the Chinese Ward, and a member translated for me.  It was so cool to hear my talk in Mandarin!   I've been carrying my farewell talk around with me in case I'm asked to give a talk  to a new Ward.  The papers are starting to get old and worn, and are falling apart.

Let's see - scripture of the week!

Alma 26:12
"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

Love you all and have a very Merry Christmas!!!

- Always, Sister Brown

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

'Tis the Season!

Wow!  It's almost Christmas!

'Tis the season to do service, run around, and try to be in two places at the same time. But it's also a good time to be a missionary.  You get to help people decorate for Christmas, not worry about making dinners or getting presents, and to always remember what the season is really all about - Our Savior Jesus Christ!

Every Christmas, this Baptist Church creates a set of Bethlehem, and acts out the birth of Jesus Christ. We're going to see it tonight with the Hermanas. I'm excited.  We've been helping out at the Creche for the past two weeks.  It was so much fun...sooo many nativities!  We helped out in the Children's Room. They had crafts and clothes to play dress up. We ran into some other sisters and we took a picture for the nativity.  I got to be a Wise Man (Wise Woman???) and we had three Mary's.  Two little girls wanted to join in on our picture, so they both dressed up as Mary.  For a while, we helped kids play dress up, and we helped to keep things tidy.  It made me miss dressing up...and theatre. Afterwards, there was a marionette show for the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.  It was so cute!  Now I really miss theatre!  And of course, after all our hard work, there is always plenty of food for the missionaries.

This week, a lady we were teaching died of cancer.  We went to visit her a few times. We could tell she was suffering and in a lot of pain.  She could barely speak and wasn't very responsive.  We sang to her a few times and she seemed to enjoy that.  We received a text one morning telling us she had passed away. It was really sad.  I'm so grateful for this gospel.  I know that she was welcomed home by our loving Heavenly Father, and she will receive all the blessings that are promised to her and all of us.  She can now concentrate on learning the gospel without worrying about cancer; and she is no longer in pain.  I know this because we are all God's children, and He wants all of us to return home to Him.

Also this week, we were blessed to hear from Elder Bednar!  It was so cool!  He was really funny and fun to listen to.  He gave us good advice for missionary work and tips for the future.  It was so weird and cool at the same time to see an apostle up close and live!

This has been a busy, eventful week.  But it has also been a good week.  We've been teaching and trying to work with new investigators, and learning more about how we can help others.

Scripture of the week: 

Alma 24:19 And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried the weapons of war, for peace.
Love, love, love the book of Alma!!! 

-Always, Sister Brown