Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Christmas came sooooo fast! California is crazy at Christmas. It's hard to find a parking space at the mall with all this Christmas shopping! In Downtown San Jose, they have a small amusement park. At Christmas, they set up all kinds of fun displays.  It's called Christmas in the Park. It was so much fun! Randy Clair was kind enough to take us to the park with her son, Jonathan.  We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory, and they had gluten-free options! :)
Sister Uelese had trouble remembering what I can and can't eat, so I came up with some rhymes: Bread is Dead. Meat is Neat :)

The day before Christmas, we went caroling with some elders and sisters.  We sang for the senior citizens in the senior homes.  They loved us! :)  It felt so good to make them so happy :)
On Christmas Eve, we had a missionary Christmas Party.  We ate breakfast, had a a talent show, and watched a movie: "The Other Side of Heaven".  

There are some elders here that remind me of the missionaries from the movie - "The Best Two Years": Elder Smoot, and Elder Ravirez- possibly an unlikely companionship. And Elder Davis- the chill trainer, and Elder Nash- the trainee! They are hilarious!

On Christmas Day, I did what my family would usually do: get up straight away and head to the presents. I let my companion sleep in because she stayed up real late waiting for Santa. I sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas!" softly to myself because that's what I've done my whole life with my siblings to wake our parents on Christmas morning. I had the time of my life opening presents! I thought to myself... I bet my family is home, opening presents right now- just like me! However, when I face-timed them, they hadn't even touched their presents! They were all anxiously waiting for me to call! Bless them! I love my family! Along with all my family gifts, Bishop Judd and his family gave us necklaces, and a few members gave us presents as well.  I also received cards and greetings from friends and family from home!  Thank you, thank you everyone!  It was a GREAT CHRISTMAS!

We went to dinner, and then went with some Elders to walk down a street with beautiful houses and gorgeous lights! The day after, I guess it's safe to say a lot of the missionaries were lazy. Including us! :) I made gluten-free pancakes... but it appears I could use some more practice :) they were tasty though :)
Yesterday, we had an outgoing for the missionaries.  Sister Lisala is leaving today. Sister Uelese had a hard time saying goodbye to her. I felt bad, but I reminded her that it's not really goodbye. They would see each other again. :)

I am thankful for the plan of salvation. Families can be together forever!  And that family can be our family on earth, and it can include our friends. Our friends are an important part of our families. Those people we love, no matter who, can be with us forever. And let's never forget who made it all possible.  The tiny babe, born to us this Christmas Day, a Savior who is Christ the Lord.  He came into this world because He loves us so much.  And He wants us to return home again someday, so that we can all be together forever!

- Always!  Sister Brown

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Last Monday, we went to this Trampoline place called "Rockin' Jump". It was super fun! There were three little girls who just loved us and they kept following us around.  They thought we were the coolest people ever!  A great reminder to always be a good example no matter where we go or what we are doing.

The next day, we went to Guadalupe Park to do some service, but we were in for a surprise! They saved one of the rooms just for us so we could sit, relax, and eat. They wanted to show us appreciation for all the work we do for them.  How cool is that?

It's official: I've started the Gluten-Free diet. It's not as easy as it seems, but my tummy feels a lot better :)  But it's hard when you have to tell people you can't eat the food they cook for you because it could make you sick. In the Hispanic Program, they don't seem to understand what Gluten-Free means. I got really sick on exchanges. It was no fun :(

We're looking for investigators, but we haven't really found any. The Ward really wants to help us more to get new investigators so that we can teach lessons each week.  We've been meeting with members, but I had an idea to have them bring less-active or non-member friends.
We met with Kimberly this week, and Rachel. Kimberly is a returning member. It seems things are working out for her. She has a nice boyfriend, she's coming to church more, and she's making great efforts at taking good care of herself.  It seems like she's figuring things out. Keyza is also a returning member. She's so sweet and friendly, and she says hi to everyone all the time. She's been taking on so much responsibility to help hand out gifts to families this year.  My week felt really slow, with not much work getting done. Honestly, I think we need to work harder. We need to continue with ideas with the Ward, and build it up and bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to more people.

On Saturday, we went to the YSA Ward Christmas Party. It was The Polar Express themed. It was so much fun and I drank so much hot chocolate! Brother Whitmarsh dressed up as the conductor! He had a mustache and everything!   It was awesome!

"Believe in what your heart is saying
Hear the melody that's playing
There's no time to waste
There's so much to celebrate
Believe in what you feel inside 
And give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need
If you just believe"

I love the message to Believe.  And especially at this time of year, to believe in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who came to save us all.  How I love my Savior and am so grateful for everything He has done for me!  My service for Him is such a small thing compared to what He has done for me.

Yesterday, we had the South San Jose Stake Christmas Sing-Along Fireside. The wards gathered and sang Christmas songs, all about Christ. I sang with the Zone: "It came Upon the Midnight Clear", and with the YSA Ward: "Born is the Light of the World". It was beautiful and spiritual, and my heart was full!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!
- Always, Sister Brown

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Roots of the Redwoods - The Roots of our Ancestors!

Hello my dear family and friends...
This week's update: -

Last Monday was so much fun! We got to hang out with Sister Carter and Sister Riggs.  We went to the Big Basin Redwoods State Park.  We saw the Mother Tree and Father Tree of the forest. And wow those trees are HUUUUUUUUGE! Sister Fitz, a secretary at the institute building was kind enough to drive us.  We included her in our pictures and made sure she had fun too. We went to the original Pizza my Heart and then to a bakery filled with lots of goodies that probably would've made me sick if I had partaken of such a feast, but they looked ooohhhh so good!

 After that, we went to the Mystery Spot.  Everything there is lopsided and crazy!  Inside the cabin it's lopsided and confusing! I got vertigo when I was in there. Either it's all an optical illusion, or the magnitude forgot how to do its job.

We went on exchanges this week.  I went with Sister Péna to the Spanish program. It was so different for me because we go to houses where they just speak Spanish (imagine that!).  And sometimes they look at me as if I'm going to say something but all I can say is: Aloa, coma estas? And: Lo siento, no ablo Espaniol... It's kind of frustrating.  I'm starting to recognize some Samoan and Tongan though.:)

I got sick during exchanges because I probably ate something "wheaty" and didn't know it and my stomach was hurting bad.  My companion, Sister Uelese, who tends to worry about me decided I should go home early the next day. :)

For dinner, we went to Amanda's house. She's a member in the YSA ward and is living with her Uncle and Aunt.  Her uncle is from Finland, and we talked about Finish Folklore. It's very different from Swedish and Norwegian Folklore.  I felt good that I got him to talk about himself and his background.  He was in his glory!  I don't know why I'm so fascinated by those cultures. Maybe I have some Scandinavian blood in me somewhere.  I should do family history for that. :)  Family history is important because you can help your ancestors with their temple ordinances.  But we can also find out where our ancestors came from, what brought them to America, all about their hardships and accomplishments, and just realize that they are so real to us. I love researching things!

I am reminded of the great and magnificent Redwoods, whose roots are planted deep in healthy soil. They have grown for centuries and have withstood the test of time and all that nature has thrown at them.  Liken this to our ancestors whose roots are sown deep within each one of us, reaching through decades of time and making us the people who we are today.  Those ancestral roots have also stood the test of time and we must continue to honor them who have gone before, and those who have yet to come, keeping our family planted in good soil for time and all eternity.

My scripture study has improved so much! I love it! It's so fun! I'm such a nerd- I think studying is fun! ^_^ Sister Uelese had to take the ACT test this week at the local high school. She's applying for BYU Idaho and BYU Hawaii.  But now that she's in the United States, she had to take the ACT.  I went with her of course because we are not supposed to be separated, but the teacher wouldn't let me sit in the class. And here's something new that I learned.  Because California doesn't get snow, they have made the schools very outdoors-ish. The classrooms are set in different buildings. And there's no hallways. They're all outside. So I was expected to either sit outside in the cold for four hours, or sit in the car for four hours - by myself.  Haha! NO!

I have to admit that I was freaking out a little bit because I didn't have my companion with me.  I called President, (and yes I was crying), because I felt like I was breaking a rule.  But thank goodness President Mella is patient and understanding.  He was probably laughing.  He said: "It's been a while since you've been somewhere without having someone there with you, eh Sister Brown?"  So I got to hang out with Sister Mella for the rest of that morning.  She took me to the Ward Christmas Party. It was Polar Express themed.  Then I took a nap at their house. Afterwards I picked up Sister Uelese and she took a nap as well, as Sister Mella suggested.

In Ward Council yesterday, they all talked about how they need to help us more by planning lessons and finding people who need us.  I keep finding so many awesome scriptures!
2 Corinthians 5:7   "For we walk by faith, not by sight." 
This scripture made me think of a quote from The Polar Express:
"Sometimes seeing is believing, and most times, the most real things in the world are the things we can't see."

Here's some more scriptures!
Mosiah 15:25  "And little children also have eternal life."
Mosiah 14: 3-5  "And with his stripes, we are healed."
Oh how I love being a missionary

Always -Sister Brown

Monday, December 7, 2015

Plain and Simple....and Oh So Wonderful!

It's official! I've conquered my fear of driving! Yay! In fact, I may be too comfortable on the road... And I think I've learned the true meaning of road rage... I've been saying things like: "Come on car, are ya gonna let me in or not?! Oh, I see how it is - fiiiiiiine! Ulupala!" (Tongan for knucklehead). 
And yes, I'm learning many different words in different languages.  Most in Samoan, some in Tongan, some Spanish, and even a little Japanese. No, I'm not fluent in any of these.

FHE was so fun! It was combined YSA wards and we played Jeopardy. Sister Uelese helped out by counting the points.  I helped out by turning the papers around so the people could see the question.  I got up there and immediately started acting. What can I say? I was on stage! I presented the questions, gestured to the board, and smiled. Everyone was impressed.  Someone told me I was the star of the show. (Blushes) 

I want to share my favorite part of an awesome scripture: 2 Nephi 25:4 
"My soul delighteth in plainness."
I love this! It makes me think of how we teach the gospel.  
We teach the gospel in plainness, so that a child can understand. 
The truth is also plain and straightforward.  
The gospel is so detailed and yet, so simple! 

I also use that scripture when people give me weird looks for wanting a plain hotdog, or a cheese pizza. I like plain, simple's who I am!  And for me this scripture is perfect - For my soul delighteth in plainness ;D

This week we did a lot of service by helping Sister Fitz decorate for Christmas at the institute building. Sister Fitz LOVES Christmas. And I don't blame her! Christmas was and is always a time when I could turn my thoughts to the Savior.  

I notice that as we pray for answers, there are some things we need to do: 
- pray, and really talk to Heavenly Father 
- we have to WANT to feel the Spirit.  When we have that want, we invite the Spirit in. 
- we need to have intentions to ACT on the answers we receive.  We shouldn't expect things to happen magically.  
As the Prophet Joseph Smith said: "When the Lord commands, DO IT." 

I found another awesome scripture: 2 Nephi 26: 33 
"For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."
I LOOOOOVE this scripture! It's so sweet and fair!

Always!  -Sister Brown 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

"An 8-Cow Wife?" - Self Worth!

     Last week, we took Sister Pokrus to the Mission Home. She has finished with her mission. She is back home in Utah now and loving it. We will miss her so much, but we're proud of the missionary that she was and always will be. She is a great example to me :) The Saratoga Elders bought us lunch that day, and the Saratoga Sisters bought us lunch the next day. Spoiled right?  
     I know I've already mentioned this, but I have to do so again- I'm driving in California!!!!!! But because I'm on my mission, I've been gaining a lot of practice, AND...I'm receiving blessings of good driving :)

     Thanksgiving was awesome!!!  We went to the Bishop's house and his wife made dinner!  It was soooooooooooooo good!  ^_^  - Did I mention it was good?  It was delicious!!

I found the perfect scripture for Thanksgiving: "Glorify Him with Thanksgiving."- Psalms 69:30

     I saw Johnny Lingo for the first time...the old one.  It was funny, cute, and really old!  I really enjoyed the message about self worth though.
"If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone else, you have already forgotten your true value."

     One night, we went to dinner at one of the sister's from the YSA ward.  She is very sweet and polite and we enjoy spending time with her.  But her mother didn't seem to like having four sister missionaries in the house.  She yelled at lot, asking questions very loudly like, "COULD YOU COME HERE A MINUTE AND HELP ME?" and "HONEY, WOULD YOU LIKE DINNER?"  As we were finishing dinner, she asked her daughter if we were done yet so that the kids could eat because they were hungry.  We wondered why the children couldn't eat with us.  
     This made me think of growing up at home with my family.  I'm grateful that I grew up in a home where we didn't all yell at each other for no reason, and where we all spend precious time together, especially eating time.  Yelling at others brings contention into the home and drives the Spirit away.
     This week was pretty empty, but on Sunday we got two lists of people to contact!  YES!! Referrals!  How I love referrals?!?  Who would have thought!
     Other than that, it's been a good week.  Sister Uelese and I have a great time together. She loves to have fun and laugh, and she is a great friend.  We went contacting and found someone names Elsie. She is cute and looks about the age of a young single adult.  I hope and pray we have more chances to meet with her.  :)

I love being a missionary!
- Always, Sister Brown!