Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016!!!

This week was an amazing week for me. I got to go with Sister Hosea and Sister Riggs to my first area. One of our converts has gotten married! They are both so happy!  This is how it happened - Sister Hosea and I wanted to go on a hike with our investigator. But since he was male, it was decided we should probably get a female to come too. We decided to pick a member who is single, around his age, and it just worked out. After the hike, they started dating. He finally got baptized. they're married!!! They got married on Thanksgiving Day! President Mella was there too! The bishop performing the marriage started his speech, and then said: "Mawidge.... Mawidge is what bwings us togethoo tooodaaaay.... I've always wanted to say that." It was hilarious. 
Wow, I did not realize I was coming to California to witness this beautiful wedding, and the fact that Sister Hosea and I introduced them to each other. They are really happy together. They plan to get sealed in the temple about a year from now. Looks like I'm taking a road trip back to California next year.  

After the wedding, Sister Huang and I went to thanksgiving dinner. It was so good. The turkey made me so sleepy as always. This week was a slow week for the work though. (It's like there was a holiday or something, bajing!) So I began to pray for miracles. A few happened. We met a friendly lady one evening while looking for a potential investigator. She invited us in and we helped her wash dishes and feed her birds. We shared a message with her. She said she's not sure about her relationship with God, but the principles that religion teaches make perfect sense to her. We left a Book of Mormon at her house. She said she's not sure if she'll have time to read it. But she has it in her home. 

Then, last night, we got a call about a referral. We were supposed to get it a few weeks ago, and it somehow never went through and we never received it. So someone called us to ask about it. We worked it out though, and then called the couple (husband is a member, wife is not) and they said we could come teach them! A miracle! 
It's odd though that our area book on our iPads never received it... Stupid Satan! Always messing with the work.  Anyways, some of the awesome things that happened this week. It was good! 

Love yous! 

-Always, Sister Brown 

Grateful for My Mission

This week went by so fast! The weeks are getting faster! Ahhh!  Last Monday, we went shopping with the Hermanas. I found this Mexican candy I really like called Pelon. It's so tasty! And at a Korean Market I found shredded squid. It's like a beef jerky kind of treat, but it's squid. I have really weird taste... I also like trying new things.

Tuesday was the Relief Society dinner. It was so good, and it was so much fun. They handed out journals and had us write 100 things we're thankful for. One of the things I'm thankful for is serving my mission. 
It's scary to think that if I hadn't come to California, I would not have grown spiritually, I wouldn't have met the people who are now my friends, and I wouldn't have helped others come to Christ. I will always be grateful to have had this opportunity. I'm also thankful for Thanksgiving because it brings the family together, and we get to eat food! Two of my favorite things: Family and Food!

On Thursday, we had Zone Conference. It was really good as always. The new Christmas video is coming out, and we have new Christmas pass-along cards! I'm so excited for Christmas! Lately, I've been reading a lot in Alma. A lot of people aren't really into the war chapters, but I like action stuff. But where I'm at, Alma has been teaching people around the Nephite cities. And I really loved Alma Chapter 7. It talks about the importance of baptism, repentance, the Atonement, and Christ. Verses 11 and 12 really stood out to me.

11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

I am thankful for the Savior and the sacrifice He has made for all of us. It's good to know that He understands me and He loves me no matter what.

-Always, Sister Brown

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

My New Area...and maybe, My Last!

This week was pretty busy but it went by so fast!  I love my new area.  These statutes are on the lawn of the public library.  They are awesome!  I just had to jump in and become a part of it.  The girl's hand that I'm holding is wearing a CTR ring, engraved on her finger!  How cool is that!

We do a lot of service in this area. One form of service is an English class for missionaries from other countries and a lot of them gather around me for my help.  It's really challenging but awesome to help other people learn how to speak English. Some appointments we've been to for the Chinese Ward, and Sister Huang always tells me they like me. I think it's so sweet, even though all I can do is smile, and say hello, and thank you.

I love Sister Huang! She is so sweet and funny and caring. Her teaching is good too. When we went to teach a member from the Cupertino Ward, it was in Chinese. And even though I couldn't understand what Sister Huang was saying, I could still feel  the love that was being shared through the Spirit.

We had another service with some of the Elders in our zone at a farm. It's really fun. At another service (at a church giving food out to the homeless), we met a young man who was volunteering. He was only 16 and he is in college! He is studying linguistics.  Friday night, we had a potluck for the McMillans. They are moving away, so the Ward put together a dinner.

Saturday was hilariously rough. We had appointments set that got cancelled or changed. We were trying to meet with someone, but we were running late and then went to meet her later. Then her dog was driving us all crazy, and so we tried to get him to go into the other room, and then he attacked me. That was really scary, but it was funny at the same time because his owner got mad at him.  So the dog knew he did something wrong and he knew he was in trouble, so he was trying really hard to be my friend again. But I wasn't so sure about that - kind of lost the trust there.  

Also, while I was driving this week, I got honked at a few times.  Sometimes impatience rears its ugly head.  As I was writing about Saturday in my journal I realized that I was writing it because I want to let my readers know that there are bad days on the mission and in life. Bad days just happen. Then we appreciate the good days more. We are with companions that we may not get along with or understand, but then we learn to love our future companions. God is always teaching us to have patience.

Sunday was a great day! We got to go to the Cupertino Ward, and then the Lawrence Station Ward was having their primary program. They did such a great job!
It was a crazy week! But it was good.

-Always, Sister Brown