Monday, February 29, 2016

So Grateful for Family and Friends

Things are looking up this week! I am thankful for the time I have to talk to my family and friends! I'm thankful that Heavenly Father has given me such kind family and friends to turn to. I want to thank you all for helping me. Last Monday we went on a much needed hike with Sister Mella, and their dog Jake (dogs can be missionaries too). His calling is to comfort and de-stress missionaries :) he's also very spoiled rotten. On Tuesday, we did service at one of my favorite parks, Guadalupe River Park. Hermana Posadas and I braided the grass. I wish I could've taken a picture! I learned something very important about service that day. Service can rid us of our stress and it can heal us. How does that work? It's because we are turning outward instead of inward. It's because we forget about ourselves and think about others. The more we act like Christ, the more our souls are healed.

We've been meeting with an old man named Joe. He is very sick and he just barely started walking again. He was bitten by a mosquito and was paralyzed for a while, and is also very tired. He's been to many doctors. He really wants to get baptized. It's hard because he has to come to church a few times before he can get baptized. Sister Hosea and I worry about him and keep him in our prayers. We met a cute lady named Lorena. She is so sweet. She loves missionaries but she doesn't understand why she needs to be baptized yet. While we were talking with her, her neighbor ran in, kind of panicking because her cat was having kittens. It was kind of funny. Later we met a woman from Fiji. Her daughter is LDS but doesn't come to church very often. We noticed while contacting, we've run into this lady twice and we've even given her a pass along card.  This time she looked very emotional and asked us to pray for her daughter. Sister Hosea and I have a feeling that if we run into her a third time, she's going to want to take the lessons. We helped Sister Schar with her front yard. We mowed and pulled out weeds. I told her about my Mom's conversion story, and then she told me hers. I was amazed of how similar they were. We got to see May Lynn! I haven't seen her in a while. She and her mother love us! I was really glad to see her again. I also began to notice something. Since I had a stressful week last week, Heavenly Father blessed me this week with seeing some of those people that I love so much. I had decided to just put my trust in the Lord and he has been taking care of me :)

Wednesday was busy, we met with a great couple. They are raising two boys. Bernice is already a member. She and the boys are baptized. When the older one, Mayonnaise (that's his nickname) was baptized, the younger one was very upset. He wanted to get baptized too but he wasn't old enough. Eddie wants to get baptized, but he wants to marry Bernice first. :) There's a few YSA that want to go in their missions. One of them is named Sophie. She has a non-member boyfriend who is also interested in the church. He says he just wants to learn about it. He's not sure if he actually wants to change. But he listens, understands, asks questions. I have a feeling he's going to want to change because that's how it goes. We first develop Faith in Jesus Christ, which leads us to want to Repent and Change, which then leads to Baptism. So he thinks he doesn't want to change, but I have hopes for him :) hahaha I feel sneaky! ^_^  Keyza is taking the lessons. She's also a convert to the church. She wants to be better at prayer and reading scriptures. She set an alarm to remind to read at a certain time of day. And to top off the day, the Walkers came by our apartment to drop off chocolate!!! ^_^  

Thursday was awesome! At first though, I woke up feeling unmotivated, and it bothered me. Sister Hosea gets excited and determined about things. However, I wasn't feeling the excitement. I shared my unmotivated feelings with my very motivated companion, hoping she would calm down.  But she told me I was feeling normal and that sometimes we have days when we're in a slump. It happens to all of us. We can't expect to be on a spiritual high all the time. That night, Sister Hosea and I went on splits with some members. I got to teach the Restoration to a single mother and her two daughters. At first they didn't seem interested, but as the lesson began, they became more and more engaged. Morgan asked questions, even though some were kind of random. But that tells me she's listening. Sister Hosea got to teach a couple from another country. They seemed really interested in the lesson as well. It was awesome! I realized I was feeling soooooooo much better. My mouth doesn't hurt anymore, and my stomach is feeling better. This "putting your trust in the Lord" is pretty awesome medicine! 

On Friday, we went to Guadalupe again and after we finished some service we watched a snake eat a mouse. It was awesome! Sorry I'm so weird... We had lunch with Sabrina and she told us she wanted to come on splits with us. We were very surprised by this, but we got excited and we're planning on a night we can go and visit people. We went to Eddie and Bernice's again. They like to do scripture study with the two boys. They have them take notes and interpret what the scripture means to them.

On Sunday, we taught a wonderful couple. They are interested in the church and want to learn more about it. It is going to be great to be able to teach them. I am so grateful to live in a country where we can worship our Heavenly Father, and also let others worship as they wish. It makes me thankful that we have that freedom, otherwise it would've been extra hard for Joseph to restore the gospel in these latter days.

This definitely has been a better week. I couldn't have done it without you guys, my family and my friends, and I certainly couldn't have done it without the Lord. Thank you and I love you all!
- Always, Sister Brown

Monday, February 22, 2016

To Worry is Exhausting!

This week was crazy and rough. We have two areas now - Santa Teresa and Branham. At first I was so excited to be able to expand our service. Then we met with the Bishop and he had so many expectations for us that we immediately began to feel overwhelmed. We quickly realized there are a lot of time conflicts on Sunday's between the two areas. Sister Hosea and I didn't realize that we were stressed at first, but we began to show signs of it. On Tuesday, Elder Jensen and Elder Summerhays came by to drop off their phone and notes for us. I felt the impression that I needed a priesthood blessing which they were glad to be able to give me. It was supposed to be for me feeling tired and stressed, but the blessing was guided by the spirit as I was also promised comfort.

By Wednesday, the stress had caught up to us. We'd been so focused on the work that we forgot about our District meeting. We decided to call Elder Pongyan and Elder Wilcox and ask if we could meet with them. They gave advice about what to do and how to juggle the two wards. We both received Priesthood blessings that day. And because of that wonderful opportunity, we were able to get more work done afterwards. We visited people in Branham and Santa Teresa. Sister Hosea told me that even though I'm going through some trials, I'm a trooper. I'm reminded of a poem that my Dad always recites to his kids (which Great-Grandma Stringham sent to him when he was serving his mission in Nova Scotia)
It was a week of worry to be sure. My teeth and my head have been hurting because I found that I was grinding my teeth with worry (thank goodness our Bishop is a dentist), my stomach was sick, and my package from my mom was missing for three days! It is an awful feeling when a missionary doesn't receive a package that they know is coming! And here's what I learned this week about myself:  
But even with all the worry, we saw a lot of amazing things. We visited some homes, and a man named Eddie still wants to take the discussions. Another man named Joe told us that he wants to get baptized. He's been sick and it's hard for him to get around, but he wants to have a better life. We just need to get him to church. 

By the end of this rough week, both Sister Hosea and I began to feel better. Looking back on this week, it was difficult but it was also good in many ways. I know things will continue to get better. In trials like this, we really need to trust in the Lord. Trust in His timing and His will. He will help us, we just need to be patient.

“For after much tribulation come the blessings” (D&C 58:2–4).

- Always, Sister Brown

Monday, February 15, 2016

Like a Lighthouse in the Night

     Last Monday, our ward had Karaoke Night for Family Home Evening. I wanted to sing too, but I wasn't sure what to sing. I wanted to sing a Disney song but I wasn't sure if it was mission approved. Linda kept insisting I sing something though, so finally I picked "Firm in the Faith" by Jenny Philips. I sang after our Ward mission leader. After my song, he said it was like a sudden spiritual wave hit the room, and said he'd never sing Sugar again, even though he did a good job. He sang "Can you Feel the Love Tonight" from the Lion King with a friend and he sounded just like Timone! It was awesome. But Linda insisted I sing again so I sang "Lighthouse in the Night" also by Jenny Philips, and then he asked me if it was a cry of repentance to stop singing karaoke and start singing church hymns. Well no, but this is why we missionaries are here - to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ every chance we get. I remember when I was in Young Women and Jenny Phillips came to visit us at camp and share a wonderful message, and sing some of her songs for us. It was actually on my birthday and she even sang Happy Birthday to me and gave me a cd. I'll never forget how kind she was to me, or how much she loves the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is Jenny Phillips singing this beautiful song.

     During the week, we saw a lot of miracles. We were to meet with Hector at his house but ran into his mother instead. She's not a member, but she loved meeting with us! She was very receptive to the spirit. We talked a little bit about the Plan of Salvation. We know that we will all see our loved ones again. I've felt a few times like my Grandpa has been here with me, putting a hand on my shoulder and cheering me on, before going back to his teaching on the other side of the veil. We also attempted to find a less active member, but instead met a man named Marvin. He and his family are interested in learning more. It was a happy accident. We also saw a man fixing a car in the street that night.

     The next day, we did service for a sick member in another Ward. She needed broth to make soup and I felt so warm inside when we were able to help her. That night, we taught Keyza the Plan of Salvation. It's a wonderful lesson. It really helps people in different ways. The Plan of Salvation gives us a sense of where we came from, who we are, and that there is a life after death. And we truly can see our loved ones again! I feel good and confident as I teach that lesson. It gives us a sense of purpose in life.

   The next day, we had lunch with Hermana Grant and Hermana Clegg. We went contacting afterwards and as I tried to greet a man he just stared at me, horrified, turned and walked the other direction. I think I scared him! We ran into a man named Bruce. We had been teaching him a few times before and he seems receptive to the spirit. He told us he wants to be baptized. And he told us that he also wants his daughter to be baptized. She's going through a hard time and he knows there's something better out there than what they have. He wants the best for his daughter. He wants us to meet with her and to teach her. We went to visit Stacey and shared a spiritual thought with her mother. She came home later and we baked cupcakes the next day. I could only eat the frosting though... No regrets :) haha!

     On Saturday, we had lunch with McKenna, and her boyfriend. He is not a member and we invited him to take the lessons. He said he wasn't sure how that would work because he lived far away. Sister Hosea wasn't going to take no for an answer though. We worked out a solution to teach him a lesson whenever he was in town. And he said yes! Haha! We did get to teach him the Plan of Salvation that night though. We made a few visits with members and also taught them The Plan of Salvation. We wanted them to understand that we should help all our friends reach that goal of happiness. We've been having them write down five names from their contact list and pray about them. We're planning on doing visits with them. We visited some less actives and left out a treat for them. Some weren't home, so we either left them on the porch or gave them to someone on the street. We went to visit someone named Sara. She had already told us twice before that she was not interested in being visited or anything. But she thanked us for stopping by, and told us it was very kind of us to think of her. We left the treat and a pass-along card with her. We decided to back off for a while.

     We went back to Marvin's and dropped a treat off to his wife. We saw the same man fixing his car again, and decided to stop and give him a treat. We invited him to a fireside called: "Why I Believe". His name is Miguel and he seemed very interested in the church. The next day, we went to the fireside.  Many new converts told us their story. Some sang. President Mella gave a talk. We waited for Miguel to come. He was late, but he came! And he met the Hermanas. Some members in the Los Alamitos Ward already knew him! I have a lot of hope for Miguel. 

Today was Transfers Day, and I get to stay in this area for a while longer. Sister Hosea and I are still in The Santa Teresa YSA Ward, but now we're also covering Branham! A family Ward! Bishop Black told us he doesn't want to share us with the Santa Teresa Ward. He has big plans for us and I have a good feeling we're going to see a lot of baptisms this transfer.

-Always, Sister Brown

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

ANOTHER Testament of Jesus Christ!

I can't believe it's February already!

Last week, we got to hear a speaker named Liz Wiseman talk about seeing the potential in ourselves and in others and I've thought a lot about that message this week.  As a missionary, it's very easy to see potential in people. Everyone has the potential to progress spiritually, even though some grow faster than others.  As for myself, I'm learning to not be too hard on myself, I'm learning to look through Heavenly Father's eyes. Whenever you're down on yourself, just ask yourself:

How does the Lord see me? Remember, Heavenly Father always loves us, no matter what! All we can do is our best, and Jesus really does make up the rest.

Some houses we'd try to visit have fenced off their front door... Why would anyone do that? I'd never really noticed that before. Don't you want visitors? It made it harder to visit people. We met some people on Wednesday. There was one man who was walking his dog. He was curious and wanted to hear what we had to teach him. He said he'd think about learning more. Another man however, wanted us to teach him for a wrong reason. He was confused by the Book of Mormon.

In the Bible, it says we can't add to the word of God. In the Book of Revelation, it states to not add to this book.  The Bible is made up of many books that have been put together to make up the Bible. What we learn from the Book of Revelation is that we cannot add to the Book of Revelation, or in that case, any other books that make up the Bible in its entirety. Also, we can't just write something random on a piece of paper and say it's of God. The Book of Mormon is also made up of a number of books that have been put together to make that book of scripture, and those books are not to be added upon either. The Book of Mormon is the word of God because He commanded the prophets to write on plates and pass them down from one generation to the next so that each generation would have a record of His commandments and of the lineage of their people, just like the prophets from the Bible. Then Joseph Smith was commanded to translate the plates, so we could have the Book of Mormon, which is another Testament of Jesus Christ. 

Unfortunately, as we tried to explain this, the man simply wouldn't listen. He just kept accusing the Book of Mormon for being evil, and that we should only be teaching from the Bible. We tried to explain many things to him, such as we do teach from the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon, and they go hand in hand. We don't worship Joseph Smith and our lives are centered on Jesus Christ. I took my name tag and pointed to it. I told him it says Jesus Christ, not Mormon, and not Joseph. Everything we tried to teach him seemed to go in one ear and out the other, because he couldn't understand our message. I felt like I was doing a terrible job at teaching him about our church. I was afraid contention was going to build up. He finally said farewell to us and wished us well.  He told us he had a "soft spot" for missionaries, and yet he pretty much told us what we were teaching was wrong. I felt sad that we didn't get to teach him and help him understand. I also felt like I was being too bold. 

But my District Leader encouraged me to read D&C 121: 41-43:
"No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; by kindness and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile- Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost, and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy."

This weekend there was a dance for adults: single and married. It was New York themed. To say they go ALL OUT at this Ward is an understatement. There were decorations everywhere, and the food was awesome! As missionaries, we helped out in the kitchen.

Sister Hosea and I have been learning more about family history. I was able to find my grandpa, Charlie Brown, on FamilySearch. It is amazing to me that I could find him so quickly and feel such a connection to him. We want to get the Ward excited for family history as well.

It has been an awesome week! I love you all! :)
- Always, Sister Brown

Monday, February 1, 2016

Dreams, Donuts, and Paying the Price!

Last Sunday we went to a Fireside about financial advice. It made me feel confident. I took lots of notes. It helped me with shopping the next day. I saw a pretty dress I wanted, but I decided I have enough clothes and that I didn't need it. When we walked out of the store, I felt good. I felt powerful. I felt like I had control over my agency. 

On Tuesday, I woke up with a headache. It didn't seem bad so I tried to tough it out.  We went to help move the Elder's things to a new apartment, which is across from our apartment. How cool is that? It actually makes me feel safe :) But my headache became progressively worse as the day went on, and I've been keeping a log to try and figure out what triggers them.  That day, I even drove for half an hour and back ... I'm not sure how I did it. Driving helps I guess. I felt frustrated because I didn't want to appear weak or lazy. I also didn't want to cancel our appointments or to cop out on Heavenly Father. I wanted to work for Him! Sister Hosea advised me to stop worrying. She said she could see that my desire is to work hard and serve the Lord.  But it's important to rest the body to be able to serve better. So, I took a nap, and when I woke up I felt better. 

We were able to visit a girl named Kimberly. She had a bad dream the previous night. The dream really upset her and when she woke up she felt awful about herself. I told her that we all have bad dreams like that. When we sleep, we are not only vulnerable to the Spirit, but also to the adversary. We can pray though and ask Heavenly Father to protect us from all evil as we sleep, and pray for peaceful dreams. I have been doing this lately and it works! I still have weird dreams- but they're not scary! ;)  Before my mission I was worried about my health and if it would slow me down. But I know Heavenly Father wouldn't have sent me on my mission if He knew I couldn't handle it- and here I am! Serving the Lord! So I'm gonna be tough as nails! Just like my Mama! 

This week was a little slow though. We went contacting like crazy! But we weren't getting the results we wanted. By Thursday, we were slow moving but finally got ourselves going. Sister Hosea had to take a power nap before we went to do more contacting. She struggled throughout the morning, and was getting frustrated because we had been contacting with no results. But then she remembered the hardships her father and her grandfather went through on their missions and it helped to keep her motivated. 

After we went contacting, we met with Marina and her family. Her mother has a gluten intolerance and made gluten free brownies. She offered us some. I was afraid to touch them because they looked so good that did not look gluten free. They didn't even taste gluten free!!! But they were soooooooooo yummy! Gluten free food is getting better and better all the time.
On Saturday we went to the Oakland Temple. It is so beautiful! Our Ward went with the Washington Square Ward. We listened to the words of Christ and then watched the 20 minute version of the Restoration. Sister Pule told a story. She used Elder Neilson, a senior missionary as an example:
"There was an institute class. Elder Neilson came in with a box of donuts. He asks a student named Bob to do ten push-ups for each person to have a donut. Bob agrees. Elder Neilson asks the first student if they want a donut. They say yes so Bob has to do ten push-ups. Other students say yes for a donut, until they start to notice Bob is struggling and growing very tired. The next student is worried about Bob and says no to a donut, but Elder Neilson says: "Can you do ten push-ups for the donut that this Student doesn't want?" And Bob has to keep doing push-ups, for everyone. Another student declines and asks if they can do the push-ups themselves. Elder Neilson says: "No, you can't. Someone already volunteered to do it for you." 

We don't have to suffer for our sins. The Savior has ALREADY PAID THE PRICE for them in full. All we have to do is repent and believe in Him, or we will suffer like He has suffered. And if we stop to think about how much He suffered, and if we can picture that in our minds, then we should be so grateful for all He has done for us by showing Him how much we love Him...because He offered to do this for All Of Us, whether we accept Him or not. For the past four months I've learned that forgiveness is possible! And that we always have a second chance.

Yesterday, we got to go to a fireside by Liz Wiseman: she spoke to us about "Seeing potential in yourself and others". 
As a missionary, it's easy to see potential in others. You love the Lord and that enables you to love others, and to see them as He sees them. For me, I'm still learning to see potential in myself. I know I'll find it while I'm out here on my mission. I just need to trust Heavenly Father and look at myself through His eyes. 

- Always, Sister Brown